Health Leaders Journal

News Articles

Guidelines for News Articles (Up to 500 Words)

Article Structure

  1. Title
    • Create a compelling and descriptive title that reflects the news event or activity.
  2. Introduction
    • Begin with a strong lead that grabs the reader’s attention.
    • Provide a brief overview of the event or activity.
  3. Main Event/Activity Description
    • What: Describe the main event or activity clearly.
    • When: Mention the date and time of the event.
    • Where: Include the location of the event.
    • Who: Identify key participants, organizers, and attendees.
    • Why: Explain the purpose or significance of the event.
    • How: Detail how the event was organized and any special aspects.
  4. Details and Highlights
    • Provide key details, notable moments, and highlights of the event.
    • Include quotes from participants, organizers, or attendees for added depth.
  5. Outcome and Impact
    • Discuss the outcomes of the event or activity.
    • Highlight the impact on the community, organization, or individuals involved.
  6. Future Plans or Follow-Ups
    • Mention any upcoming related events or activities.
    • Provide information on follow-up actions or initiatives resulting from the event.
  7. Conclusion
    • Summarize the key points.
    • Offer a closing thought or call to action.
  8. Photos
    • Include up to 6 high-quality photos with captions.
    • Ensure photos enhance the narrative and provide visual context.

Writing Tips

  • Clarity: Use clear and concise language.
  • Engagement: Keep the reader interested with engaging details and quotes.
  • Relevance: Focus on the most relevant and impactful aspects of the event.

Example Outline

Title: Community Health Fair Brings Wellness to Downtown

“A community health fair held downtown last Saturday drew hundreds of Asian community leaders to impart education about health and wellness.”

Main Event/Activity Description:

  • What: Annual Community Health Fair
  • When: July 15, 2024
  • Where: Central Park, Downtown
  • Who: Organised by the City Health Department, attended by over 500 community members
  • Why: To promote health and wellness among residents
  • How: Featuring free health screenings, educational booths, and fitness demonstrations

Details and Highlights:
“Key highlights included free health screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels. Dr. Jane Doe, a local physician, noted, ‘These screenings are crucial for early detection of health issues.'”

Outcome and Impact:
“The event successfully raised awareness about preventive health measures and connected residents with local health resources.”

Future Plans or Follow-Ups:
“Plans are already underway for next year’s health fair, with a focus on mental health and wellness.”

“The community health fair was a significant step towards improving public health in our city. Residents are encouraged to participate in future events and continue focusing on their well-being.”

[Attach up to 6 photos with captions]

Submission Guidelines

  • Length: Keep the article around 500 words.
  • Formatting: Use standard font (e.g., Times New Roman, 12 pt) and include proper citations for all sources.
  • Bio: Include a full name and designation of news correspondent or author with a place of work and brief bio (50-100 words) with your submission. And a passport size photo
  • Contact: Provide contact email information for correspondence. Also provide twitter/X handle for publication if you are happy.
  • Images: Ensure images are high-quality and appropriately captioned.
  • Please provide a contact or what’s app number (will not be published, only for ease of communication).

By adhering to these guidelines, you can create an informative, engaging, and succinct news article that effectively communicates the details and significance of the event or activity

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